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What We Do

Guest Speakers


We invite a range of professionals to speak at camp to educate not only the kids, but us, too! In the past, we have had visits from a plastic surgeon, physician assistant, medical student, and many more. 

College Prep​


Our counselors give a presentation to all of the students regarding necessary requirements needed in applying to college, as well as the 'next steps' once admitted. We offer options for both universities and community colleges, acknowledging the variety of paths many students take. This is a crucial part of camp as many kids do not believe they can afford college and simply evade the idea. Our job is to educate them and inform them of their options, while helping them realize they are able to pursue their dreams.

Training Skills​


Over the course of the weekend, we teach students how to simple stitch suture and draw blood (well, KoolAid in our case). In addition, we seek to encourage our students to break out of their shell and explore the many facets of the health field.

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